Control Flow Graph

Scale uses an intermediate representation of the program called a control flow graph. The Scale Control Flow Graph is referred to as the Scribble CFG. A control flow graph shows how control moves during execution of the program. Each node is essentiallly some executable sequence of the program. Each node is connected to the node(s) that immediately follow it during program execution.

The Scribble CFG allows easy modification; nodes may be easily moved, added or deleted. Lowering may be performed on the parts of the graph. Implicit loops are detected and transformed into explicit loops. Pre- and post-dominance relations are computed and maintained. Dominance frontiers are computed and maintained.

Scribble consists of a small set of language independent node types that correspond to executable operations:

The graph is easily modified while maintaining essential information. The nodes and operations comprising a Scribble CFG can be annotated.

Example Scribble CFG

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(Last changed: March 21, 2007.)